Wings and Running Boards


Price from: £2.40 per foot / 30.5 cms length (£2.88 inc. VAT)
Sold by the foot (12 inches) / 30.5 cms length.
Price from: £2.50 per foot / 30.5cm (£3.00 inc. VAT)
Sold by the foot (12 inches) / 30.5 cms length.
Price from: £140.00 1 pair (£168.00 inc. VAT)
Pair of running Boards for Ruby and other low frame models. 1 off side and 1 near side. Year/Model: 1935-1939. Please Note: Only available in Plain Steel ONLY SOLD IN PAIRS Number per car: 1 pair...
Price from: £60.00 set (£72.00 inc. VAT)
Original pattern.

Model Range: 1931 - 1934

Number per car: 1 set
Prices shown include VAT @ 20% where applicable